Sunday, March 9, 2008

Keep it simple stupid!!

That is the motto that web designers should follow when trying to make something productive for a business and its consumers. To many times consumers are left in the lurch of technical lingo and difficult to navigate websites when trying to become more interactive with brands and products via the web.

This week, the focus has been on what makes up good website design and what are the intangibles that need to be incorporated to ensure a successful website. In my opinion, the age-old adage of, “keep it simple stupid” should lead the way. This catch phrase offers a lot of wisdom and is fairly easy to remember.

In the world of high tech gadgets and an ever more speedy Internet, simplicity could save, or make millions! As marketers, it is important that we recognize not everyone is tech savvy and versed in the latest website trends.

What can be done is to be observant that what is put together offers exactly the information that is important. Additionally, it needs to be in an uncluttered and organized fashion that allows for easy navigation. The results and opinions of the consumers who view these types of websites are continually positive.

The alternative is that only a limited and power user population will be able to enjoy a website that only offers high tech and cutting edge features that not all are in tune with. So, the next time we are looking to put something on the net, lets make an effort to ensure that it is pertinent for the goals of the website.

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